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来源:学大教育     时间:2013-08-02 16:27:12


  Now some of the students in colleges and universities in our country pay more attention to job-hunting than to their academic work. As is shown in the picture, they seem to treat the employment guide as their major subject. Generally speaking, most of the junior students work very hard, attending classes, doing their homework and consulting their teachers. However, some of the senior students, instead of pursuing their academic studies, focus their attention on looking for jobs.

  As far as the purpose of the drawer of the picture is concerned, I think he intends to warn us that the fact that college graduates try to pander to the labor market will lead to the decline in higher education quality. So the drawer calls on us to respond to the situation forcefully. One point is clear that college education needs to be improved. As a result, it is the main business for students to acquire knowledge and develop abilities, which will be useful in their future careers.

  In my opinion, a few preventive measures should be adopted to deal with the problem. In the first place, students should realize the importance of their routine academic studies, without which there can be no knowledge necessary and no abilities needed. Secondly, students should see job-hunting in their right perspective. Only if they study in real earnest in college, can they meet the needs of their future employment.


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